Where Can I Serve?

Jesus told us, his disciples, to make disciples of all nations. One of the most important values of this church is our mission to the world. It begins in our own community, and spreads overseas to every nation. Church members are involved in a variety of ministries from creating prayer shawls to leading worship.



This ministry concentrates on the evangelistic efforts of our church and making sure our current members are involved. Important aspects of this team include calling on first-time visitors, following up with prospective members, evangelistic outreach, and providing opportunities to teach others how to share their faith. This ministry works to make the Church visible to the community.  


This ministry is for those who have a heart for showing God’s love and compassion to others in any way possible. Hospitality provides meals, sends flowers, mails letters and cards, and visits those in need to demonstrate God’s grace. Within this group is our Prayer Shawl Ministry. This team makes blankets which are give to people in the community who have a need for comfort or are celebrating life events such as a birth or graduation. This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays to work on creating the various types of blankets including quilts, crochet, and knit. 


This ministry is for those who organize curriculum and teachers for Sunday School lessons, Small Groups, and other Bible Studies as well as provide spiritual development for the congregation. 

Missions and Benevolence

The Missions and Benevolence ministry is for those who have a heart for world-wide evangelism and helping families in need. They are responsible for making the congregation aware of our commission to spread the Gospel to the world. They continually evaluate our mission program, keep the congregation informed of mission activity, schedule mission events and speakers, and provide benevolent assistance when needed. 

Worship & Prayer

This ministry, in conjunction with the Senior Minister, contributes to developing worship services that inspire, challenge, and bring hope for tomorrow. They schedule any special concerts or worship events. 


The Youth ministry exists to encourage students to grow in their commitment to Christ, honor Him with their lives, and to share that with others through service and fellowship. This ministry oversees youth and children’s Sunday School curriculum, youth groups, and VBS among other things.

Building and Grounds

This ministry takes care of the current facilities as well as the parsonage. They oversee any building projects, acquisition of property, and general maintenance. They are also responsible for janitorial selection, acquisition of supplies, lawn care, snow removal, and and building expansion for the future.